About the Project Field Cultures: the identities of generations
The objective of our work is to use art and the means of dissemination and communication in order to expand the culture of the countryside, valuing the roots and reminding us of the cultural identities of the Serrano Plateau of Santa Catarina, in which many people circulate and where the University is inserted, aiming at the valorization of regional identities, and the historical rescue of the social identity of the region, taking the past into consideration for understanding the current context, with a view to building a more inclusive and tolerant future. This is a multi-method exploratory survey, which will be carried out through bibliographic research and documentation, interviews, photos, videos on the cultural identities of the Curitibanos region and the Santa Catarina Plateau.
Staff activities
The project started in the first semester of 2019, and since then we have developed the realization and transcription of interviews, visits to events, production of texts and videos, bibliographic research, preparation of banners and articles, presentations about the project and management of the web site.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Granada da Silva Ferreira, PhD in Ethnology from the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and PhD in History from the University of Essex. Graduated in Social Sciences and Master in Sociology and Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IFCS/PPGAS), Master’s research in Studies of Latin American Societies from IHEAL (Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine, University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle). He is an assistant professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) where he teaches courses in anthropology, sociology, anthropology and sociology of health and disease and contemporary debates.
He has been researching the expansion of capoeira in the world since 2002, and has published articles on the expansion of capoeira in the United States and Europe. His research topics focus on global exchanges and the transnationalization of symbolic goods, migration processes and, currently, the Haitian diaspora in Brazil and the relationship between health and migration. Project Coordinator and Professor at UFSC, Campus Curitibanos. Contact: daniel.granada@ufsc.br
Alexandre Lima de Oliveira, student of the Agronomy Course of UFSC and scholarship holder of the PROEX 2020 program. He has been working on the project since March 2020. Contact: alexandre.l.o@grad.ufsc.br
Karen Wesseler Jung, student of Veterinary Medicine at UFSC and scholarship holder of the Bolsa Cultura program. She has been working on the project since October 2019. Contact: karen.jung@grad.ufsc.br
Francine Soares de Almeida, student of Veterinary Medicine at UFSC and volunteer of the project since November 2019. Contact: francine.almeida@grad.ufsc.br
We would like to thank the academics Talita Gartner de Souza Schwinden and Vanessa Santana Bonfim for their participation in the criation of this project, Emily Kouketsu Machado for her participation as a scholar during the period of March-September 2019 (scholarship holder Bolsa Cultura edital 2019), and the volunteer Anita Brügge Martins, who helped taking pictures during visits. In addition, we appreciate the support of Instituto Brasil Plural, Bolsa Cultura and PROEX.