Immigrants Valley: first action in promoting Tourism
The Tourism Development Agency of Santa Catarina (Santur) promoted on June 3, 2020 a meeting with representatives of the tourist region Vale dos Imigrantes. The meeting was attended by secretaries of tourism, entrepreneurs, entities of the region and also representatives of the Regional Governance Body (IGR).
Since the change in the name of Vale do Contestado to Vale dos imigrantes on July 4, 2019, this is the first reported action for the development of tourism in the new region. The meeting aims to discuss the needs of the region for the resumption of tourism activities with the pandemic of the new coronavirus.
Santur president, Mané Ferrari, states that since the decree of quarantine in Santa Catarina, the Agency has been working to find solutions to face the impacts of the pandemic on tourism: “A crisis office has been set up that is in constant dialogue with the government committee that centralizes actions to combat Covid-19. We have already had some advances, such as the gradual reopening of accommodation and food services. Now, based on the latest decree of the State Government, we are working on building regulations for the reopening of parks and zoos, advancing little by little until we get the events released”.
Among the guidelines of the meeting, the Viaje Mais SC program stands out, which encourages the residents of the state to learn more about the cultural wealth of Santa Catarina. The program will be implemented in six stages, gradually, starting with the launch of a seal for the establishments that comply with the sanitary norms of combat to Covid-19 and offer differentiated products. The launch of the program is scheduled for the month of June.
In addition, the manager of the Regional Governance Body (IGR) Vale dos Imigrantes, Yuri Hentz, added that one of the most important actions is the updating of tourist signage in the region, a project that is already underway in Santur and is part of the program Viaje Mais SC: “It is very important to have the appropriate signage when selling the destination”.
The replacement of the signage of the former Contestado Valley seems to sacrament the change in the name of the region in a definitive way. For more information about the change, access the post here.
Source: SANTUR, 2019.
SANTUR, Agência De Desenvolvimento Do Turismo De Santa Catarina. Medidas de apoio ao turismo são discutidas em reunião entre Santur e trade da região Vale dos Imigrantes. Governo de Santa Catarina, 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 de jun. 2020.
SANTUR, Agência De Desenvolvimento Do Turismo De Santa Catarina. Mapa do Turismo. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 11 de jun. 2020.
Text by Karen Wesseler Jung.